Equine-Assisted Therapy
AT RDP, we primarily use a ground-based equine therapy approach to facilitate personal development and growth, in addition to better outcomes for concerns related to depression, anxiety, PTSD, mood disorders, substance use disorders, and developmental disorders. Equine-assisted work often helps clients change and grow more effectively and quickly than traditional clinical and psycho-educational approaches. Several of our licensed mental health therapists are certified in the nationally recognized EAGALA model. The experiential approach to counseling allows individuals to walk through counseling building confidence and new insights as they are dealing with challenging situations in life. Horses are social animals, with distinct personalities and attributes. They have the unique ability to sense individual emotions and energy and react accordingly, creating powerful, reflective moments in counseling.
For our therapeutic riding program, we use Natural Lifemanship approaches. Therapeutic riding is a small group program focused on assisting individuals with improving healthy communication. Social and emotional challenges focus and sensory integration, as well as boosting self-esteem and confidence. Therapeutic riding achieves this through increasing the mind and body connection, as well as building trust, problem-solving, creating strong social connections, and improving verbal and non-verbal communication.